Weights conversion#

Huggingface to megatron: hf_to_megatron.py#

Convert weights from models in other formats (primarily huggingface) to megatron checkpoints.

This script supports converting Falcon, LLaMa and LLaMa 2 weights to megatron checkpoints. Depending on the model to convert, the inputs might differ.

  • Falcon/Mistral: Weights are automatically retrieved from the official implementation hosted in huggingface. Thus, the --cache-dir argument is optional, if specified it should point to the huggingface cache directory where the huggingface Falcon/Mistral weights will be stored. You will need to specify the --size argument to determine which version to download (i.e. Falcon 7B or 40B). Note that mistral only has 7B weights available.

  • LLaMa, LLaMa 2 and CodeLlama: Converting llama weights can be done either fetching the weights hosted in huggingface (recommended as it is the easier method) or directly from the weights provided by Meta.

    • From Meta weights (only available for LLaMa and LLaMa 2): You will need to specify the --cache-dir to the directory where the llama weights are stored. This will by default have the form xB (e.g. 7B or 70B) for llama v1, or llama-2-xb (e.g. llama-2-7b) for llama v2.

    • From huggingface weights: If --cache-dir is not specified or the directory specified does not contain the format expected from Meta weights, the converter will automatically retrieve the weights from huggingface, in which case the --cache-dir will have the same semantics as with Falcon.

      Note that to download llama v2 weights from huggingface, you will need to login using huggingface-cli login with a huggingface account which has been granted access to the meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf model.

In all cases, the megatron checkpoint will be stored in the --out argument. If a huggingface is specified, the intermediate weights (i.e. the huggingface weights) stored therein will not be removed when the conversion succeeds.

More information about the arguments:

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --size {65,34,70,7,40,13,30}
                        The size of the model
  --out OUT             Directory to store the megatron weights (as checkpoint)
  --cache-dir CACHE_DIR
                        Directory to use as cache for the huggingface weights, or in case of the llama model, the path of the weights provided by Meta

Megatron to huggingface: megatron_to_hf.py#

Convert megatron checkpoints to huggingface weights.

This script will also convert the tokenizer configured. Set the --input_dir to the megatron checkpoint root (i.e. where the latest_checkpointed_iteration.txt file is located) and --output_dir to the directory where the huggingface weights should be stored.

More information about the arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input_dir INPUT_DIR
                        Location of Megatron weights
  --num_output_shards NUM_OUTPUT_SHARDS
  --model {llama2,falcon,llama,codellama}
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Location to write HF model and tokenizer
  --cache_dir CACHE_DIR
                        Huggingface cache_dir (optional)
  --vocab_file VOCAB_FILE
                        Path to the vocab file
  --vocab_extra_ids_list VOCAB_EXTRA_IDS_LIST
                        comma separated list of special vocab ids to add to the tokenizer
  --override_special_tokens [OVERRIDE_SPECIAL_TOKENS ...]
                        One or more arguments to override special tokens. Syntax set as `key=value`, e.g. `eos=<|im_end|>`. Overrides available only bos,
                        cls, eos, mask, pad, sep, unk.